17 Apr 2024

Underwater World Book Nook

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 3:26 pm 0 comments

 And number three was born. 😂

This one was a bit of a pain in the backside. Lots of silicon glue needed. Hate that stuff. You can't just rub it off of your fingers. You run to wash your hands all the time.

Other glue wouldn't stick because of the sand bed. Yes the bottom is covered in sand. Then sticking everything else to the "glass" panels again I had to use silicon. I was glad when it was done.

It's way less than perfect but I don't care.

Chinese Canal Street Book Nook

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 3:05 pm 0 comments

 Well, and then it was two. 😆

This is a different style compared to the first. The first looks like a DVD box set. This one is not as wide but longer and you can open it.

New hobby, no surprise really

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 2:49 pm 0 comments

 So, having bought some stuff through Wish and AliExpress, mainly diamond painting stuff, because it is just so much cheaper than buying it in the UK.

A while ago I stumbled over those book nooks when browsing on Amazon. I was torn between yes or no. Then yes at some won the race and I bought one. The scifi scene.

I have added some pictures of the work in progress as well. I used some decoupage varnish to give it a wet look. It took me about a week working on it between 4 and 8 hours a day.
It's not perfect and I have learnt a lot about glue and what to use where. And I keep buying new tools to make life easier.  


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