17 Nov 2012

Annie's Knitting Studio

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 10:25 am
Hello to all the Knitters out there!

I thought long and hard about it but then I decided why not start a blog about knitting.
I haven't been knitting for quite a while because after an accident I lost the strength in my left hand and I was in severe pain after each attempt of taking up knitting again.

But 20 years on my hand feels fine and I am in no pain whatsoever. I missed knitting badly. I turned to graphic art and later to 3D art just to keep me occupied. But there is a lot of waiting time while a picture is rendered and what best to do if not knitting while waiting.

So i went out to get me to the tools i needed and hey I am back.

I will use this blog to show the projects I am working up to their finished state.
I will give away pattern i have created myself.
I will post translations of pattern which are not available in English.
I will post links to free pattern and to stores selling yarn.
I will post tips and trick and help people if they go stuck with a project.

Knitting is a wonderful hobby and craft. Nothing is better than snuggle up in a warm jumper in front of a fire.

All the very best

PS: I am not just a knitter, i like sewing and crafting Teddy Bears ;O)


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