28 Sept 2020

WIP Handbag Progress

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 3:08 pm 0 comments

 I started a new project, a handbag. I bought the pattern from Makerist.

So far the pattern is very easy to follow. Please remember it's in German.

Anyway, it took me forever to cut all the pieces out. That was day one.

Yesterday, I started to assemble and that's how far I got.

Last Batch of Masks

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 2:48 pm 0 comments

 And here are the last few masks I have done for now. I am taking a break from making masks.

I think I made enough for hubby and myself to last for a while. 😄

Oh, I almost forgot. I made a couple for my mum.

These are ours.

19 Sept 2020

The Maskmania Continues

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 7:26 pm 0 comments

 This is the first badge of 22 I have finished. As you can see some are made from fabric I recently bought. There are also a few I used up some leftover fabric I had lying around. 

And all 22 finished:

Fabric shopping

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 7:08 pm 0 comments

 Because I wanted to make more masks of course I had to go fabric shopping.

Here's the first lot:

Then I bought some more:

And then I bought some more again:

The Future Bag

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 7:03 pm 0 comments
After I finished the bag for my mother I really wanted to make a bag for myself. I was thinking about a backpack but I couldn't find a good pattern. But then I stumbled over this one.

I really liked this type of bag. So I went fabric shopping. I haven't done anything like this before and I haven't done any proper sewing for many years. Amazing how much new stuff there is around.
Anyway, I bought everything to make a bag and I was going to start but then the Maskmania really struck.

I hope I will start with it soon. 😄

Start of Maskmania

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 6:51 pm 0 comments

 I started to make masks a while ago. The reason for it was I bought some masks online and they were, even so classed as large, too small. But also the fabric was so dense I really struggled and started to get a panic attack. I was hyperventilating and had to take it off. I only have mild asthma and never thought I would react like this.

Anyway, I looked through my clothes and found some 20 years old capri pants which were a nice light cotton fabric. They were too small anyway so it didn't matter if they became masks. If I like something very much I will keep it even if it doesn't fit anymore. That's another Aspie thing.

Here I was preparing the masks.

And this is how they look finished.


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