25 Mar 2022

I'm still here

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 3:59 pm 0 comments

 Sorry for being so lazy posting.

I am really busy with knitting/crochet and getting my 3d stuff set up again.

There is one reason why I hardly posted. The weather had been so gloomy which didn't help my mood and it doesn't make good pictures. Then as well I started to struggle with the new inhaler I got 2 months ago. I felt so terribly breathless and tired. I am now back to the old one and I feel much better.

So here is proof how busy I was. 😂

Very unlike me I crocheted the same shawl/scarf 6 times. 😱
All different colours. I hope I will have them for sale on eBay by the end of April.
Atm I am making glitzy stuff.

I have another 2 bags full of handknitted stuff I need to take pictures and put up for sale. I hope I will be able to do that next month. I have my fingers crossed my back will finally hurt a bit less than it does now.
I would go outside to take pictures but I don't have a garden. And being an Aspie I feel very uncomfortable standing outside taking pictures and then maybe even get reported because some idiot thinks I am working. As if that's work. I usually only manage about 30 minutes standing. Any more and I am in agony. 😩


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