14 Oct 2017

addiCraSyTrio testing

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 2:15 pm
I received the newsletter from Artyarn the other day advertising these new addi knitting needles.
For someone who loves knitting socks, I always look for alternatives that make life easier.
They looked interesting enough for me to buy one set. The 2.5mm wasn't in stock so I went for the 2.75mm.
They arrived very quickly!

This morning I thought I give them a try.

Casting on: no problem.
First round: A bit fiddly.
After about 1cm of knitting, it does get easier.
In the beginning, I was trying to figure out where to hold the loose ends so it felt comfortable.
I guess it'll take half a sock to get really used to them.
Mind you maybe I didn't choose the best yarn to start with. The cotton stretch isn't the smoothest to knit with any needle.
I am sure other sock wool works better.

Fazit: They are very light, feel smooth and make a good set of knitting needles to travel with. But you will have to get used to them, especially how to hold them.
For myself, I will get a set of 2.5mm and a set of 3mm.


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