22 Feb 2023

Sock Intermission

Posted by Crazy Knitter22 at 11:53 am

 I knitted a few socks not because I needed them but more because I know I finish a pair in a short amount of time and that's rather a good feeling when you knitted something that took an annoying long time.

I mean the cowl. It's finished but somehow didn't make it on a photo. LOL

I actually made a pair with this yarn and when I wanted to wear them I realised the pattern made them impossible to get them on. So unravel and new plain socks.

These have been stored away in a cute bag for the past probably 12 month and now they finally made it. I bought this yarn and more shades on holiday a few years back.

This yarn I bought last year if I remember right. They are very soft. But in the beginning you can smell the vinegar. I don't know how long lasting they will be because they are just merino yarn.

And something bright. I love this Schoppel yarn. It knits up so well.


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